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oxford dictionaries


noun [MASS NOUN]

Resistance or dissent, expressed in action or argument: there was considerable opposition to the proposal


- (often the opposition) A group of opponents, especially in sport, business, or politics: the home team made short work of the opposition


-(the Opposition) British_ The principal parliamentary party opposed to that in office: the leader of the Opposition​

Ex:  the proposal met with considerable opposition


- Resistance, hostility, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, objection, dissent, criticism, defiance, non-compliance, obstruction, obstructiveness, counteraction; dislike, disapproval, demurral

Ex: the home team made short work of the opposition


-Opponents, opposing side, other side, other team, competition, competitors, opposers, rivals, adversaries, antagonists, enemies literary: foes

Ex: the opposition between the public and the private domains


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